New Resource: The Quickstart Guide To Integrate Curated Content to WordPress

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WordPress is an awesome platform that we’ve integrated with for a long-time: as many WordPress users told us, maintaining visibility of your blog through your created content only can be tough and time-consuming.

“I need more content for my WordPress!”

We’ve heard that sentence a lot. Many of you told us you wanted to add curated content to your WordPress site in a way that would be both easy and efficient – which is what we’ve been focusing on through he various iterations of our WordPress integration.

We recently launched the latest version of this integration and today we wanted to elaborate on the benefits it brings and how you can leverage them to make the most of your + WordPress combination for improved SEO, traffic generation or lead conversion. This is why we’ve created this quickstart guide that details everything you need to know when considering adding curated content to WordPress:

What does it bring on top of a simple embed code?

Of course, you can simply start by using the Embed Code to copy / paste any of your topics in any web page – including a WordPress one. But while this is the easiest route, the / WordPress integration does something different: it automatically creates a post on WordPress out of your scoop. This means that you’re now creating a permalink that your readers can share individually (without sharing the whole page) while still redirecting traffic to your site. It also means Google Search will index it on an individual basis which – combined with other SEO features provided by this integration – can be very powerful.

So if your site or an existing blog runs on WordPress and you feel that all you need is more content for WordPress, this guide will get you started in minutes.


And if you’re interested in leveraging the benefits of content curation for SEO, check out our complete guide.

How Does Content Curation Benefit SEO - Download the Guide

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About the Author

Guillaume Decugis
Co-Founder & CEO @Scoopit. Entrepreneur (Musiwave, Goojet). Engineer-turned-marketer. Skier. Rock singer.
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