The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

Articles by Joseph Stark

6 Ways to Educate Yourself and Become Enlightened

While Webster’s might define a nerd as someone who is unstylish, unattractive or  “hopelessly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits” — nerds and geeks have increasingly become accepted among the mainstream. And lately, they’ve become more well-known for their enthusiasm for things they love. If you love to write or read, you might be a word nerd. If you have an unhealthy obsession for fashion, you could be geek chic.

No matter your interests, being well-educated is a great way to becoming a more well-rounded person. It also has a habit of making a person more enlightened, i.e. less judgmental and more congenial with others of different backgrounds. Here are some things you can do to keep your mind young and to expand your horizons.

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Freelance Writing Tips and How to Promote Your Work

Freelance writing is an incredibly rich and fulfilling career, especially if you’re passionate about writing on a particular subject or niche. It’s entirely possible to make money if you decide to become a freelance writer; in fact, it can easily become a full-time job. The only trick is that you have to treat it like one: honing your skills, dedicating set times to do your job, and promoting it.

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9 Ways to Find Personal Contentment

It’s not uncommon to feel a sort of emptiness in life. People try all sorts of way to fill that void in all sorts of ways. The truly best way to fill a void is to either help others or help yourself. Filling the void with superficial filler and material items may not lead to true self-actualization. According to Everest CEO Francis Pedraza, learning and understanding what people truly need are huge advantages in both inside and outside the office. Here are a few ways that you can find contentment in life.


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Trending: top 6 graphic web design trends

Editor’s Note: At, we believe that the form (the way something is presented) affects the function (the physical use of something) of content engagement online. It is becoming increasingly important to look pretty if you want to drive traffic — the endless streams of pretty pictures on Pinterest is testament to this, and we all know that if a webpage has 6 pt font, we probably won’t read it.

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The evolution of the GIF

walken death stare gif

Editor’s Note: While not directly correlated to knowledge sharing, GIFs do contribute to the “smart web” by creating a new way to communicate ideas, add dimensions to conversation, and provide irony and other editorial flavor. They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” so how many words is a moving picture worth? List your favorite GIF in the comments! 

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