4 Years of Professional Growth & Good Vibes, Curated

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Dear Scoopiteers,

Ally here, as usual, bringing a special newsletter-themed design to the Scoop.it blog today, mostly because I have some news to share with you.

I started a college internship at a brand new company called Scoop.it on June 15th, 2011. Exactly one year later, on June 15th 2012, I started as a full-time community manager. Just about two years after that, in May of 2014, I took over the role of Director of Community & Content.

Now, after four amazing years, I’m turning in my Scoop.it hoodie (not literally, though, don’t worry) and taking on a new adventure.

I’ve had the opportunity of a lifetime during the last four years; to be an early team member of a growing startup and grow personally and professionally into the digital marketer that I am today. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences at Scoop.it and owe the vast majority of my success to this team.

Scoop.it, as you know, is a great team that will remain forever connected. I will always be a passionate member of the Scoop.it community, and know that, with Guillaume and Marc at the helm (and an incredible product!) we will, no doubt, see continued success.

In the true spirit of curation and everything I’ve learned at Scoop.it, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for being such an integral part of my experience here and go through some of the cool things that have happened in my time here.

How to Curate like a Rockstar

In July of 2011, my intern self wrote my first blog post to ever grace the Internet, and this was it. To this day, it’s the only thing I’ve ever written that ranks #1 for its title in Google. Three years later, it became one of our most-viewed SlideShare presentations.

Lord of Curation: Beth Kanter

Appropriate for the bunch of geeks we were are, our first community management program (also in 2011, also before we really knew what community management was) involved highlighting some of the best curators on Scoop.it with a Lord of the Rings-themed series.

Advice from Sir Richard Branson: Get your head out of the sand

After attending my first tech conference ever (Salesforce’s Dreamforce 2012), I wrote about hearing Richard Branson speak. It got 11 shares.


In 2012, I also tried to start a TweetChat with the support of our Scoop.it Specialists/Ambassadors. This is when I learned that leveraging pre-existing communities can be way more useful than trying to start from scratch. I’ll never forget you, #ScoopitChat!

Learning to learn: A series on hacking your own brain

In May of 2013, a conversation about learning changed my life (bear with me, I’m allowed to be a little dramatic). I decided I was going to start writing about learning, and this kickoff post ended up being one of my best.


I’ll probably use the pencil & book Scoop.it Valentine forever.

Why Lean is the Future of Content Marketing: Social Media Week 2014

Last year in New York City, about a year into our #leancontent movement, we put the Scoop.it Lean Content Marketing framework in the spotlight with this Social Media Week talk. I got to travel across the country and meet some of the coolest east coast (current and future) Scoopiteers around!

Report: 76% of professionals using curation saw impact on business goals

At the beginning of 2014, we decided that we would begin leveraging our user base to find some real, data-backed information as we began maturing as a content marketing company. With this practice, we were able to come out with three separate white papers over the course of the year, learning how much fun targeted lead generation can actually be (this is not even sarcasm).

10 Inspiring B2B Marketing Quotes

The day I learned that listicles with visual quotes are literally the best thing you can create on the Internet.

Your Business Blog Sucks

My most successful blogpost to date happened to have a headline telling people that they suck at business blogging. I’ve also been known to have a feisty subject line or two, and I don’t ever plan on losing that ‘tude.

ROI or RIP: The Lean Content Marketing Handbook for SMBs

My last and biggest project at Scoop.it was the handbook that we created as a team in conjunction with the launch of the awesome Scoop.it Content Director solution. In its 85-page glory, this handbook contains everything small business marketers need to know about lean content marketing, saving money while making an impact, and B2B marketing basics. I couldn’t be prouder of how it turned out.

The last four years have also consisted of more than 1,100 work days, over 90 blogposts, almost 300,000 combined social media followers, 20 brand ambassadors, 6,000 tweets, 10,000 support tickets, 15 monthly meetups across three different cities, and countless interactions with some of the smartest, most talented people in all the land. Thank you for that.

Aside from these lists, there have been many other notable things I’ve done, participated in, and learned throughout my time at Scoop.it that I will carry with me for the entire duration of my career.

I’ve watched a product be built from the ground up – watched the additions of social media connections, the bookmarklet, sharing widgets and an API, “The Google +1 Button,” the Business plan, a mobile app, Professional and Education packages, the Rescoop, the Visual Dashboard (and my first voice-over gig), Insight, comments, and post-apocalyptic marketing tools, an iPad reader, newsletter integration, gamification (where I, for the first time ever, delivered a speech in defense of the #curatethecurators hashtag and convinced the team to get behind it 🙂 ), hidden topics, our 1 millionth user, a DDoS attack, templates and website integration, and finally, the much-awaited launch of Scoop.it Content Director.

I’ve met and learned from people from France, Italy, South Africa, California, New York, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Texas, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and everywhere in between, attended and spoken at conferences from Walnut Creek to Manhattan, spent one of the most incredible weekends of my life bonding with the Scoop.it team and canyoning in “La France Profonde,” and shaped myself into who I will continue to be for the rest of my personal and professional life.

Scoop.it has been the best company I possibly could have worked for to kickstart my career. The passion I have had – and will continue to have – for this company goes so far beyond the product. The talented engineering team has been working together for many years (including other projects) and has a chemistry that I can hardly put into words. The company’s leaders are inspirational, driven, intelligent, and most importantly, experienced, which has taught me, among many other things, how to make smart business decisions, quantify my work, and think critically.

I’ve always said my job is unique, and I maintain that to this day. Being a part of a company where every day the co-founder walks into the office asking how we’ve changed the world today is an experience unlike any other. It’s felt more like a passion project than a job since day one, and it shows. Scoop.it has never once strayed from its initial vision but has still managed to adapt to the market and client needs – that is what I’d call having something figured out.

To the Scoop.it community, thank you for challenging me, supporting me, helping me, teaching me, and being my friends for the last 4 years.

To the Scoop.it team, thank you for creating this world-changing product, growing along with it and myself, making me laugh every second of every day, pretending to laugh at my jokes, sharing my blogposts, and for being a part of my life.

I’m so proud of what we have accomplished together up until now and could not have had a more positive experience being a part of it. You know where to find me.


PS: I’m beyond flattered that this newsletter template – the one I’ve been using for quite some time now, will soon be available on Scoop.it. Keep your eyes peeled!

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About the Author

Ally Greer
Ally is Scoop.it's Director of Content & Community. She loves to geek out over anything social, Internet, or tech related. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her running the streets of San Francisco. Follow Ally on Twitter @allygreer.
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Brittany Berger
10 years ago

Congratulations Ally! You’ve done so many great things and are just all around awesome. I still remember when you kinda randomly DM-ed me years ago asking for my address. I remember thinking it was odd, but then getting the best notebook and just being in awe that someone I’d never even met IRL was kind and caring enough to think of something like that. I still have it, although there are no blank pages left. I can’t wait to see what you do next! 🙂

Ally Greer
Ally Greer
10 years ago

Ah, you are going to make me cry! See you around the Internets, obviously 😉

Cendrine Marrouat
10 years ago

As I told you already, the Scoop.it community will miss you tremendously. But I also know that you will do great wherever you go. You have proven it time and time again.

Ally Greer
Ally Greer
10 years ago

Thanks so much for the kind words, Cendrine! It has been a pleasure working closely with you, and we will definitely stay in touch!

10 years ago

Ally, very few people have what you have, the ability to make people feel like they are part of a something bigger, in this case Scoop.it an awesome SAAS company. So many companies don’t understand the power of a community like Scoop.it does. Thanks for being you.

Ally Greer
Ally Greer
10 years ago
Reply to  BrianYanish

Thanks so much, Brian. You’ve been an integral part of my Scoop.it experience! Your support is extremely meaningful. 🙂 We’ll be in touch!

9 years ago

Nice post!..good information,it is really helpful..it really impressed me alot and i just loved it.Thanks for posting such an informative content.
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