The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

How Boutiika has used to Enrich its Product through Content and Increase Engagement

Boutiika is a location-based tool for the boutiques of New York and San Francisco, providing its customers with the most stylish products and where to find them. Boutiika is primarily a search engine for young female shoppers, but the team wanted to add to this. Looking for a way to post more detailed information on products and boutiques, as well as to increase engagement within their community, Boutiika turned to, which allows them to provide news and information on the boutiques featured on their site while still maintaining the focus on their own product – On, Boutiika’s team also found many ways to integrate this great new content with their website, making it somewhat of their own content management tool. Here is a look further into Boutiika’s strategy:

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Remixing Digital Media, Curation & Content Marketing for all at the TechWeek Conference in Chicago

Curation is going to be a big topic at the TechWeek Conference starting this Friday 6/22 in Chicago. I’ll be speaking at two sessions related to it but there are several others worth looking at as they show how important Curation is becoming as a trend. Not just to the Social Media experts who predicted it, but now also to people and businesses everywhere.

Read More : Curating Made Easy, Social Sharing With Wings.

“As startup marketers, we particularly seek solutions to cut through crowds of content to engage more than just friends and followers, but much larger (incremental) audiences drawn to the same topics and interests. And then there was curating made easy, content sharing with Red Bull (ish) wings.” writes Michelle Fitzgerald, the founder of Get Scrappy.

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How Long Before You Will Instead of Google It?

From :

“It is really about how the cyber world is changing and shaping the needs and expectations which have evolved beyond mere key word search and how services like will meet those because Google won’t.”

In this vibrant praise of, blogger Shred Pillai points out the changes we’re seeing in the way we look for information. From basic search, we now look more and more for meaning and context from human experts. And this is what is curation is all about.

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The Unanticipated Benefits of Content Curation – NTEN:Change's Content Curation Issue

A Great Piece by Beth Kanter on the benefits of Content Curation for NPO’s – but which take-aways apply to many organizations or independent professionals: when tightly-budgeted NPO’s embrace a practice as a group, you can bet they’re not wasting their scarce resources and are looking at efficient, human and smart ways to promote their causes.

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Curation and the Questions No One Is Asking

Yes, curation wouldn’t exist without creation, admits Mark Armstrong, the founder of Longreads and also a team member of Pocket. But, he goes on, there are interesting questions – and perhaps more even more interesting answers – that highlights the value of Curation.

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How EcoVadis is educating Supply Chain Managers on Sustainable Procurement & Green Purchasing

Pierre-François Thaler, Managing Director at EcoVadis, an innovative platform allowing big companies to rate their suppliers on social and environmental performance, wanted to educate his audience about Sustainable Procurement & Green Purchasing and create top of mind awareness regarding EcoVadis. He was persuaded that evangelization was the key to do this. To take the place as a reference in this niche sector, Pierre-François decided to provide high-value content to his audience. He started to publish high-quality resources like analysis, research projects that appeared quickly very time-consuming to produce. As he needed to bring a constant attention on his sphere to evangelize, Pierre-François found the solution with content curation thanks to Business.

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Digging the Scoops

Ever since we started working on Social Media – actually before we even thought of – we’ve realized how much content discovery and content publishing were really two sides of the same coin. Working…

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Lord of Curation Series: DiMitri Deloste

My name is Dimitri. I was born in the South West of France, and still living here for 37 years now. I’m a Web ProjectManager in a software publisher company. I assume being a geek, and I’m the father of 2 lovely girls, 8 years and 8 months old. I’ve always wanted to enter an Art or Design School, but I stopped studying just after high school (with no diploma) in order to work. For 18 years now, I’ve tested almost each job in the computing field as a self-taught person : IT Technician, software developer, Project Manager …Since about 10 years, I’ve been going on the same way concerning Web jobs, being successively Web developer, Webdesigner and Webmaster… Now thinking about it, I guess I’m ready for consulting…

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Bring Curation to your Facebook Timeline

When you’re passionate about something, can the Facebook timeline be a good representation of your digital self? Its design and features certainly hint so but at, we felt it would only work if you could find a way to smoothly mix your interests to what’s originally a friends & family network.

Show what you care about!

We are glad to now announce our new Facebook Timeline integration! By turning it on (it’s optional of course), your Facebook Timeline will be automatically updated in real time whenever you curate new content.

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Lord of Curation Series: Ninja Nordbo

Ninja Nordbo graduated with a masters in Fine Art from the Glasgow School of Art in 2007. Since then she hasreturned back to her roots and to Norway, where she is currently working and living with her husband and 2 dogs. Her spare time is spent curating and blogging.

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Lord of Curation Series: Willy de Backer

Willy De Backer is a European (Belgian) journalist, sustainability opinion-leader and professionalconferencemoderator with more than 25 years experiences in European Union politics. After having worked in politics (European Parliament) for 10 years, he co-founded Internet news portal in 1999 and served for 8 years as chief editor expanding the service from a start-up to a successful online media company. From 1 June 2007, Willy went freelance focussing his research and writing on issues related to climate change, energy security, green economy and sustainability in general. He was one of the first professional journalists who started using social media (Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other) to share his opinions on how to rethink our economic, social and political values and institutions in an age of “peak everything”.

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Be Discovered!’s first mission is to help people publish gorgeous magazines by means of curation – and by doing so, make their passion and expertise be heard and recognized on the web. We endeavor to offer the easiest and most powerful solution to help curators find great content, edit it in engaging magazines, and share it to their Social Media. The rapidly growing community of curators on tells us we are on the right track; we feel this is a valuable mission!

Now, curators and visitors are asking: what about discovering content and curators in too?

More and more curators find inspiration from other curators’ publications; more and more visitors want to dig deeper and access more content related to their interests. We thought we needed to address it better: helping people publish but also helping people discover great curators and curations. More discovery and exchange will make our community and our experience richer!

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Wanna be a Super Hero? Be a curator ! Steve Rosenbaum's favorite trend at SxSWi 2012

If you’ve followed curation as a trend, you’ve heard of Steve Rosenbaum. His book Curation Nation was instrumental last year in making curation and curators emerge as a trend and as an important group.
As Steve puts it, curators are the Web’s super heroes.
But as Steve says, it’s just starting and this is just the beginning. And from what we can see in Austin this year, he’s damn right!

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What is SXSW's favorite topic?

SXSW is starting friday and the team will be there. Guillaume and I are really excited to go. You hear a lot that the festival is now so big its hard to make sense of it. It is absolutely true. But still, it stays one of the places to be when you work in tech. Because from this intense concentration of startups,panelists, influencers, journalists, celebrities, you can find one of the greatest stimulation of the year.

In only one condition : curating it of course!

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Engagement in the Age of the Interest Graph

Content that I care about is the only way to engage me, empowered by a context that make it easy to find. We love to see the depth of engagement on the platform. If we share the same passion or interests and your product is a reflection of it, how could your brand not resonate with me?

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How IS Decisions is winning the hearts & minds of IT Pros, curating content that catches their attention

Back 6 months ago, François Amigorena, CEO of Software Publisher IS Decisions was wondering how to make its business more visible on the Web. He had great products with a proven track record (3,000 customers in 100+ countries) but he also knew that winning purchasing decisions of IT Professionals is a tough job.
How could he get top of mind awareness from IT Pro’s?
He was convinced that a good content strategy was the solution. By become the source for stories they care about, he could win them, be recognized and remembered. Yet, he couldn’t spend too much time and resources doing so. Luckily, he discovered and started several online magazines using the Business version some months ago.
Here is the success story : provides us with a new and unique way to reach out to our target customers. Publishing value-added content in an attractive layout is a great way to keep them connected with our brand and to generate leads.

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Lord of Curation Series: Tony Rath

Tony Rath is a professional photographer based along the shore of the Caribbean Seain the picturesque town of Dangriga, Belize.

He is a trained marine biologist and has worked as a diver and underwater photographer for the Smithsonian Institution; diving on oil rigs off California; and captaining a sailboat across the Atlantic Ocean and through the Mediterranean and North Seas. Tony first visited Belize in 1979, and moved there permanently in 1988. Since then he has explored and photographed most of Belize by land, sea and air. He has also photographed the neighboring countries of Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico.

He founded, along with his wife Therese, Naturalight Productions, Belize’s premiere Internet marketing company. He now leads the special projects division of the company. The company created and manages numerous award winning websites.

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