The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences Now Runs on HootSuite's Social Media Dashboard

Social Media is easy. But only in theory.

When you get down to the practical things Social Media requires, you realize that a lot of them take time, require some special skills or are simply too complex to bother. While blogging and social networks have now been around for years, the truth is that for a lot of people, using Social Media in a professional way is still anything but a no-brainer; whether your job consists of running a business, pitching new customers, fundraising for a cause, educating students or coaching clients, it usually takes a good 100% of your time, so how can you “do Social Media” on top of that?

The key to solve this includes working on smarter workflows. At, for instance, we realized that having a suggestion engine combined with a bookmarklet for 1-click publishing greatly helped our users. And by adding features like the connections to the social networks they wanted or the ability to rescoop one another’s content, we have taken – and continue to take – steps towards making the whole Social Media Publishing workflow much simpler.

HootSuite is another company that has worked extensively on this workflow problem. By combining monitoring and cross-posting, they’ve built one of the most popular Social Media platforms to date with millions of professional users.

We’re therefore thrilled to be partnering with HootSuite today and to introduce the App for HootSuite. From now on, HootSuite users can combine the powerful stream layout that enables them to monitor various sources of content at once with’s easy content curation capabilities. This means more relevant content but also more visibility for this content when it’s published to your pages, whose topic-centric nature drives on average 3 clicks per visitor and greater discovery from Social and Search. Scoopiteers who already leverage topic-centric content curation to develop their visibility online can now diversify their sources of content by using HootSuite to monitor various content streams, including the topics they follow on or some specific searches to closely monitor their interests.

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Dennis O'Connor's Curation Surprise after Years of Knowledge and Content Discovery

Dennis O’Connor was an early adopter before being an early adopter was cool. As an educator in the 1980s, he was always looking for new ways to bring emerging technologies into the classroom. In 1983, Dennis set up a literary bulletin board system for student writers run on an Apple computer.

Dennis was always interested in tech innovation; he studied this in all of his years of early and undergrad education. He then went on to earn two masters degrees, one in Online Teaching and Learning, and the second in Technology Integration and Instructional Design. I’m not at all surprised that Dennis is one of the early users of curation in the classroom.

According to Dennis, curation was a natural outgrowth of his work with the 21st century Information Fluency Project. With this project, he has worked for over 10 years creating curriculums on how to search, evaluate, and ethically use digital resources. Dennis had begun using curation within this project way before eve existed, but when he found it he was anxious to give it a try.

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Tweetchat Reveals Secrets to Curation for Marketing

For this week’s #Scoopitchat, we were joined by Brian Yanish, founder of Marketing Hits. Brian is a web developer and marketer specializing in exploring ways to better connect with customers. Brian had a lot of insight to share with us concerning using and curation to feed your social media presence, grow your audience, and connect with your readers.

We were joined by many great users and had an exciting chat about selecting your topics, using as a curation and social media hub, and spreading content around the web to your specific audiences.

Find out some key takeaways and check out the full transcript here, and don’t forget to join us next Thursday at 11amPST!

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Content Curation your secret weapon – Drive Traffic & Find New Customers

Brian Yanish posted a great case study on his blog on how to use Content Curation as a secret weapon to market your business. As a consultant helping clients market themselves online, Brian has a lot of experience with various marketing strategies and it’s great to see his angle on how content curation can help. 

As he summarizes it after having been a user for quite some time (and testing lots of curation services), Content Curation “can drive traffic and help to show the world, yes the world that your business knows your market.

Must-read with very interesting data for business content curators.

(And by the way, if you’re looking to hire Biran, he gave his contact details on the original post here:

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Curation Tips and Tools for Non Profits featuring J.D. Lasica

Did you miss #ScoopitChat for Non Profits Featuring J.D. Lasica yesterday? We summed it up so that no one misses out on the great insights and advice that came out during this exciting hour!

Some key takeaways from the chat include:
-The importance of curation in your quest to organize all of the information on the web and lift signal out of noise.
-The practicality of curation to build thought leadership, become an authority, and give your point of view on topics without starting from scratch.
-Curation is more than showing off; it’s about adding value to shared content and allowing non-celebs to become stars in their fields.
-There are tons of great curation tools out there:, Instagram, Deligious, Storify, Zeega, Google+, and Pinterest.
-Curation helps generate content, add a layer of value to that content, drive traffic to your website, establish you and/or your brand as an authority.

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Announcing Apps & Extras

Our team at is hard at work and you may have noticed many exciting integrations that we’ve launched over the past month from SlideShare to BufferApp to LinkedIn Groups.

Yesterday, we announced our Apps & Extras to help you navigate through all of these great additions, which we hope helps make the experience even better for you.

Apps and Extras on

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Becoming a Thought Leader: A Digital Marketing Firm's Path to Success

Ayantek, a full-service digital marketing firm offering innovative web, mobile, search, and social media solutions to some of New England’s largest companies, has a vision that probably sounds pretty familiar to most marketing agencies. According to Marketing Programs Manager Barry Clifford, Ayantek’s main business goal is “to validate [their] belief that by providing excellent value and customer service to clients, a small business can grow into a viable, sustainable enterprise, and can supply a quality lifestyle to its employees without compromising on its core values.”

Ayantek’s global consultants are industry experts with decades of experience conceiving, designing, building, and managing interactive programs that drive measurable improvements and deliver competitive advantages for their clients. They help their customers achieve market leadership through a combination of strategic thought leadership, exceptional user experiences, and industry-leading proprietary and open-source technologies.

Seeing their success in these areas, Ayantek continuously wants to expand their client base and spread their services across multiple Fortune 500 companies in the technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and financial sectors.

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How Glenn Street Embraces His Niche and Keeps it Entertaining for Everyone

Glenn Street isn’t your average guy. His claim to fame is being the very first mascot in  the National Hockey League, as well as one of the first mascots in professional sports.  After his debut, Glenn began receiving calls from the opposing teams asking where  they could get one of those costumes! He and his small team startedsimply sewing and  building the costumes for the random customers who were calling.

After a while, the calls started flooding in, and it became too much. That’s when Street Characters was founded. Today, Street Characters is best known for creating sports characters (mascots). Their clients over the years have included about half of the teams in the National Hockey League, National Football League, and Major League Baseball.

This might not sound like a company who needs much social media or content marketing, but we all know that a company like that hardly exists anymore these days.

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Content curation: your next Social Media Marketing idea

These are the slides of my talk at the Social Media for Non-Profits conference in San Francisco today.

1. Why does Content Curation matter for marketers?

2. 7 Best practices for Content Curation

3. And great examples of NPO’s effectively using Content Curation.

Part #3 is specific to NPO’s (but might be inspiring to any Content Curator) but #1 and #2 are generic for all Content Marketers.

Photo by JD Lasica – Thanks!

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90% of Marketers Know the Importance of Content, but only 38% Have a Strategy

According to a recent survey conducted by Econsultancy, 90% of respondents (1,300 marketing professionals) believe that content marketing will continue becoming increasingly important within the next year, but a surprisingly low 38% of them actually have a content strategy in place.

It’s hard to say that a day goes by for marketers without hearing, talking, or reading about some type of content marketing strategy. This is clearly demonstrated by the 73% of respondents who believe that brands are becoming publishers. Why is it, then, that only 38% of companies currently have a defined content marketing strategy and only 55-58% say that they are planning one?

After seeing these numbers, I thought of a few reasons why companies wouldn’t have a content marketing strategy, and why those reasons are not acceptable excuses.

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Humanrithm: why data without people is not enough – and how algorithms lost the Content Curation battle

These are the slides of my talk at DataWeek 2012.

This is what is it was about: “We engineers love data and algorithms. They help create amazing things. But if and when we forget that people create data and that data can be improved by people, we will miss the promise of Big Data. It’s time we all thought of this not as social vs algorithm but as Humanrithm.

And I also took the example of Content Curation as a case study.

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Share scoops directly to a LinkedIn Group

I’ve read recent news on how LinkedIn has become seriously interested in content launching new features that encourage their users to rate each other on skills and expertise as well as engage with business visionaries.

Here at, we’ve known that content plays a significant role in developing thought leadership and brand equity. Today, we launched a new feature where you can share your scoops directly to a LinkedIn Group. Imagine that? You can strengthen your professional network by sharing ideas that matter to a community that cares for such insight and knowledge.

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How is Content Curation helping Professionals? Where is it evolving to? The Friday Hangout

Guillaume, our CEO & Co-Founder, was invited to the Friday Hangout this morning with Social Media experts Janet Fouts and Steve Farnsworth. Both are strong Social Media experts and have seen many trends: Steve is a Forbes Top 50 Social Media Influencer and Janet started online communities back in the 90’s before starting her own consulting practice.

They talked about the role Content Curation has for Social Media Marketing and how it will help social media evolve from the social graph to the interest graph, something key for professionals who tend to have niche long-tail interests.

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Learning by Doing: How Lauren Moss has Learned to Leverage Curation to Amplify her Online Presence

Lauren Moss curates topics that tend to be a reflection of her interests and areas of research/study. As an architect and LEED AP with experience in green building and urbanism, ‘Sustainable Architecture’ and ‘Green Streets’ are topics that relate directly to her professional and personal interests, and they both highlight case studies, current events, and related news articles.

An interest in design, particularly information design and visualization, stems from her experience with the technical process of architecture and how drawings convey data in an effective and meaningful manner. That said, she finds it intriguing to explore how these concepts extend beyond the architectural realm into other areas, including education and communication, and so the topics ‘Visual Data’ and ‘Green Infographics’ reflect those interests.

“When executed thoughtfully and with intention, content curation will help to establish oneself as aknowledgeable resource who adds value to a topic or community, which will extend one’s reach beyond asingle website or platform, and for the best reasons- because others want to read what you share and will, as a result, share your finds and expertise with their own communities.”

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It all started with one scoop: Introducing Global Comments and New Scoop Layout

Have you ever felt frustrated by the fact you never seem to know what happens to your content on social media? We share, we tweet and then… not much. Content is short lived and real-time is sometimes too fast: we don’t know who saw it, who reacted to it, who was influenced by it.

That’s been one of our frustration and we’re very happy to frequently hear that is a way to slow down real-time and give great content a longer chance to be discovered. Through the curation layer, not only can your readers see the related content you curated on that same topic but they can also discover it through search, something that doesn’t happen with social content.

So today, we’re happy to take a step further in making you see what happened to your curated content. With the release we’ve launched earlier today, we’ve unified all reactions to a Scoop in a unique thread. Everyone who directly or indirectly – through multiple rescoops – reacted to your great scoop will be on that thread and you’ll see them appear below your post (by expanding the thread if needed).

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Insights Into the Hot Trend of Social Media Content Curation

In the guest post published by Jeff Bullas‘ blog,’s Maria Petrescu interviews’s co-founder Marc Rougier after giving her own insights on why curation is a much needed trend.

Online content curation is a hot trend as business owners and professionals realize that content is vital to add value to their customers and prospects. The trend was already evident in 2011 but 2012 saw an outright explosion of the phenomenon. Also important is delivering and sharing that content on your social media networks.” she writes.

She comes back with Marc on the background behind “The founders were literally in love with social media, but had no time to produce content. They had already been working on another platform, where they published content organized in topics. People loved it, but after a while they felt the growing need of getting content that was more specific, based on their single interests.

Plus other interesting insights and a video of the interview. Check it out!
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Peretti: Human Curation Beats SEO in the Social Web

“Jonah Peretti, a co-founder of Huffington Post and CEO of Buzzfeed, said at PandoMonthly tonight in New York that he doesn’t care about SEO anymore. He views it as a broken system that optimizes for robots, not humans.” Erin Griffith reports on Pandodaily.

Some will argue that Google is not that bad but the point isn’t there.

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Get Your Head out of the Sand: Advice from Sir Richard Branson

Yesterday, I had the privilege of listening to a fireside chat with Marc Benioff and Sir Richard Branson at’s Dreamforce X.

While each and every topic proved to be equally if not more interesting than the last, Branson said one thing that really hit home for me:

“For a business to not embrace social media…you’ve clearly got your head in the sand.”

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How Ms. Ileane Spreads Interesting Ideas to Strengthen and Embrace Her Community

This week, we put Ileane Smith in the Spotlight. Ileane has found many ways to benefit from curation and find success on If you missed her story, here’s a recap:

“I’m always reaching out to the community, doing some searches, looking at people who scoop my stuff and discovering their topics. That has led me to educational topics, led me to discover new users, and more. I like sharing things from other people. The power of for me is having all the different ways that I can share that content and keep track of it and put it out there for other people.”

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Scoop those slides!

Curate SlideShare Content with!

Presentations work great for Curators but Curators are also great for Presentations. Whether you’re using SlideShare to upload your presentations or using to curate your favorite topic, learn how the new / SlideShare integration can help you better leverage your publishing activity.

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Live Now: The Spotlight

In this series, we spotlight standout curators. Those whose passion ignite others’ interests. Find out here about who has inspired us. Learn their secrets to sharing ideas that matter to a community hungry for great content. Hear their story. Get inspired.

Check out the Spotlight today to begin learning about the stories of these great people.


Read More Tips For Authors by Sara Rosett

“One day I realized I was spending more time thinking about my blog posts than about my WIP (work in progress).” writes author Sara Rosett. But as she shut down her blogs, she still felt she “wanted something a little more interactive, but without the huge time commitment of daily blogging.“

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