The demise of quality content on the web
This a great blog post from Rian van der Merwe , describing the noise you can find on the web now, and especially content just created for SEO purposes or advertisers. As many, Rian is tired…
Read MoreThis a great blog post from Rian van der Merwe , describing the noise you can find on the web now, and especially content just created for SEO purposes or advertisers. As many, Rian is tired…
Read MoreThis makes me want to read the book and know more. Clay Johnson seems to make an interesting parallel between the way we consume information today and the way we sometimes overconsume food. Leading to…
Read MoreGust MEES is an ICT course instructor with specialization on ICT Security. He is also a member of the “Advisory Board” of Luxembourg Safer Internet, called now BEESECURE, and an official partner of different Luxembourgish Government realizations, such as and MySecureIt (in French) and member of the Internet Society Luxembourg
Read MoreI’ve been asked on Quora to answer this question and I felt it was worth detailing. Social Media provides us with great ways to measure success – whether at the individual or the business level – as well as actionnable items. And Social Curation has an important role to play.
Read MoreJust a little more than 2 weeks ago, we had our big launch at opening up the free version to all and at the same time, introducing Business, a premium version of…
Read MoreThis presentation by Corinne Weisgerber touches in a very clear format on what separates aggregation than curation. And which, in my opinion, can be summarized by the human touch. While aggregation can be automated, curation…
Read MoreToday, we launch publicly, which means our private beta was a success with strong traffic and continuous growth. But it’s been a hectic ride so on top of showing the video which we had fun doing to explain our vision, I also felt like sharing a story, our story, of how it all started.
Read MoreMartin Gysler is a a self-entrepreneur for over 20 years. He has been active in various fields such as, insurance, real estate, sports and wellness.
As convinced autodidact, he always had a strong attraction to computers and the web. However, this area was little or no accessible to a lucrative business, so he had to wait to get into this sector. This is been done for some time now. Today, he has abandoned most of the other branches to devote himself to his main passion which is the web and social media.
He offer his services (advice, strategy, implementation and training) to individuals and companies wishing to gain a foothold and increase their presence in this sector.
It is ultimately what he has wanted to do for a long time and now is a dream come true!
Read MoreCan you teach how to be authentic and engage online? I absolutely believe it especially when we talk about curation. We are all natural curators. We have all a passion, a message, a topic we love to focus on or to talk about with others. This Monday, at pariSoma in San Francisco, it was “the art of curation” for me. I was introducing my series by presenting what a curator is to me, and exploring why curation is important for an individual or a brand in the digital age of information overload.
Read MoreKaren Dietz, owner of Just Story It, works with executives and companies in capturing and telling their most compelling stories to increase their influence in marketing, branding, and leadership activities. She has over 25 years in business consulting, training, facilitating, and organizational narratives. Withdoctorate in Folklore, Karen has been academically educated in storytelling and over the years has been trained by some of the nation’s top performance storytellers. She draws on her experience in Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, and non-profit organizations to provide practical experience, guidance, and tools in working with stories that can be put to work immediately.
Read MoreSusan Bainbridge has been a leader and educator for the past 40 years. She has transformed students, teachers, schools, communities, institutions and businesses. She has met the challenge of change in her own culture and in different cultures in which she has lived and worked. Her ideas and philosophy of transformational leadership go far beyond the rhetoric of simply a ‘vision’ and she can articulate the process in such a way, that other potential leaders can understand the specifics and map out their personal journey to create and sustain positive change.
Susan understands the importance of maintaining an ‘online presence’. She can be found on all major social media sites as well as on her popular curated sites. She works regularly on her pages and sees curation as a very important aspect of her digital presence and personal development.
Read MoreAnise Smith is a GRADUATE of Full Sail University with a Masters Degree in Internet Marketing. I Graduated in one year with a 3.71 GPA, then created Anise Smith Marketing to provide a total solutions avenue for Clients Marketing Needs. We offer a variety of options for new and established companies to promote their brand, including,Cutting Edge QR Code Marketing, Mobile Web , Custom Facebook iFrame Applications/Fan Pages, Print Services, Unique Custom QR CODE Promotional Products and the most cutting edge Internet Marketing services. So in essence we are the one stop shop for ALL of your marketing needs. Specializing in Mixing Traditional Marketing such as Print, Web and Promotional Products with New Media Marketing Technologies such as Social Medial Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Virtual Worlds. Throw in some Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Optimization and Web Analytics, now that’s what I call a Marketing Mix.
Read MoreAmmar Abdulhamid is a liberal democracy activist whose anti-regime activities led to his exile from Syria on September 7, 2005. He now lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with his supporting family: his wife Khawla, and their two children: Oula (b. 1986) and Mouhanad (b. 1990). Ammar is the founder and director of the Tharwa Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to democracy promotion in the Greater Middle East and North Africa region.
Read MoreExpressing yourself, sharing your passions and using curation to build the legitimacy of your expertise are strong pillars of the vision. They are the foundation of this strong idea that the time of curators is coming.
Each time we work on improving the experience of our community, we always keep in mind this constant aim: to augment your visibility as a talented curator.
Read MoreBeth Kanter is the author of Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media, one of the longest running and most popular blogs for nonprofits. She co-authored the book titled “The Networked Nonprofit” with Allison Fine published by J Wiley in 2010 that received Honorable Mention for the Terry McAdams Award. Beth has over 30 years working in the nonprofit sector in technology, training, capacity building, evaluation, fundraising, and marketing.
Read More“Quality is not an act, it’s a habit.” -Aristotle said.
What makes your topic more relevant than any filter or aggregator? Your insights, your point of view, your editorial choice. In short, your personal engagement in the content you curate.
Read MoreOur Lord of Curation series presents to you some of the great curators on They are here to share their insights and advice with you.
Howard Rheingold is a critic, writer, and teacher; his specialties are on the cultural, social and political implications of modern communication media such as the Internet, mobile telephony and virtual communities (a term he is credited with inventing). Check him out at,,, and “Rheingold U! What it is —> is —>up to us.”
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Some have opposed content creation and curation but new study by Argyle Social finds out the sweet spot is mixing both. Interesting quantitative validation for our vision to enable “ everywhere” back a few months ago.
Our Lord of Curation series presents to you some of the great curators on They are here to share their insights and advice with you.
Maddie Grant, CAE is the co-author of Open Community: a little book of big ideas for associations navigating thesocial web andHumanize: How People-Centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World. Maddie is also the lead editor for SocialFishing, one of the most visited and respected blogs written for association executives, where she gets to express her viewpoint as a classic Gen-X early adopter and “shiny new toy” addict. As the chief social media strategist for SocialFish, Maddie draws from more than 10 years of experience in marketing, communications, and international business operations to help associations large and small build capacity for using social media to achieve business results. Find Maddie at
Context is always the key, especially for our community of curators that know that it allows instantly to give more visibility to your passion, expertise or voice.
We know that the digital environment created a very powerful context. The web has become the world’s largest pulpit.
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Our Lord of Curation series presents to you some of the great curators on They are here to share their insights and advice with you.
Daniel Watson is an Experienced Director, Senior Executive, Business Owner, Management Consultant and SME Business Transformation Specialist with broad experience in a range of Australian industries and sectors.
Our Lord of Curation series presents to you some of the great curators on They are here to share their insights and advice with you.
“All we have to decide is what to do with the information that is given us.”
Ken Kaplan is a family guy interested in technology, photography, video making and travel, especially between San Francisco and Italy. He is a communications strategist and multimedia journalist for @IntelFreePress, the tech news bureau inside Intel.
–What is curation to you?, a multimedia content curation publication platform, is launching a Developer Challenge open to all software developers to create iPhone, Android, and iPad applications.
Enter the challenge for a chance to win $1,000 (first place) or an HTC Desire S phone (second place)!
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Last Monday was invited by pariSoma to partake in a panel discussing: “is curation the future of the Social Web?” With Burt Herman from Storify and Chris McCann from StartupDigest, Guillaume Decugis our CEO, discussed the new social behavior that curation represents online. The debate was moderated by Ben Parr, Mashable’s editor-at-large.
The first question from Ben Parr was legitimate. ”What’s the hell is curation?”
Since the beginning of the adventure, we have envisioned our platform as a new way to share and to be heard on the web in the Age of Information Abundance. We are thrilled by the intelligent content you have collectively built. does not simply contain absolute knowledge. It is a place where different viewpoints and opinions collide, where mutual expertise shapes information, where the power of collaboration gives you a picture drawn by humans.
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Whether you’ve been curating on for a while or you’re just joining us, we want to provide you with some great ways to reach everyone’s ultimate goal: to be a rockstar curator! Here are some of our best tips.
Read MoreSometimes, you see very accurate advice on how to be sure you post “at the right time”, on social media networks. Apparently you should not talk when you want to, but when the web is ready to listen.
I don’t buy it. I think it should be the opposite: you should share when you want to, when it’s a good time for you, without worrying that nobody is going to hear you. The real time web is awesome because it keeps me in the know immediately. But it’s not the only rhythm. You cannot follow everything going on at the same time in the world, sometimes you just want to save something for later when you will have more time. Yes, later. I know it’s maybe a bad word in the State of Now.
Scoop.It was proud to be a media partner at last Saturday’s TEdxSoMa, which is hosted twice a year by pariSoma. The topic of this edition was “Community 2.0”
As with most innovation, it can be used for good and bad: finding the right direction is the responsibility of human beings, not of your laptop.
Read MoreOn May 4th, we launched a new version to make frictionless for our users who had a blog or Facebook page and allow them to be heard everywhere.
Today, one month later, we’re thrilled by the great examples coming from our users and felt about sharing them with you.
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