The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

Guest Writers

Why you need content marketing software

Why you need a content marketing software

Content marketing has a lot of moving parts. The good thing is there are a thousand ways to customize it, re-imagine it, and gain an edge on our competitors. The downside? It’s a lot to manage.

Fortunately, marketers today are way luckier than the marketers of yesteryear. We’ve got computers! We’ve got a thousand tools to create, manage and promote our content with.

The trick is to manage all those tools and the work they facilitate as nimbly and effectively as possible. This is why you need a content marketing software. You need one unifying tool or system to manage all the moving parts. Otherwise you’re working with a patchwork of systems, constantly trying to fill in the gaps between them.

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5 business practices that became obsolete overnight

5 business practices that became obsolete overnight

Business practices are always changing and updating themselves as different socio-economic, political, and technological climates wax and wane with the changing world, but there are some traditions we were sure would be around forever. A stable corporate hierarchy, a regular workweek, using celebrities to help us market products. (This seemed like convention that would be around forever; tried and true and time-tested.) However, the way things are going, it seems even the celebrity will be joining the pencil-skirted secretaries and prized corner offices of yore. It used to be that a person picked a profession, joined a company, worked 45 years in that same company, collected the gold watch, and then retired, played golf, and vacationed with the wife (it usually was the man who did this, remember) until they died. To make sure your business isn’t a cliché, or stuck in the past, consider these five business practices that have become obsolete– seemingly overnight.

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The best content marketing tools for the creation phase (2/6)

best content marketing tools edition 2 creation phase

Last week we listed the best content marketing tools for the research phase, first phase of your content marketing cycle.

We mentioned how much content marketing is an opportunity to build an audience in an authentic way, if you’re willing to invest the time to do things right.

Some carefully chosen content marketing software definitely help. To give you the specifics on how it could help and which pieces of software might help, we’ve put together this series of walk-throughs of all the basic functions and tasks required for content marketing, plus which pieces of software to use for each function.

This doesn’t include every piece of software you could use. But it does include the heavy hitters and the most popular tools.

I hope it gives you some ideas for how to better use software in your content marketing. Excel and whiteboards and notepads are all great tools, but we probably shouldn’t be running an entire content marketing department with them.

This week, we’ll go over the best content marketing tools to help you in your creation phase.

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The best content marketing tools for the research phase (1/6)

best content marketing tools edition 1 research phase

Content marketing has a lot going for it. It’s 63% less expensive than traditional advertising. It’s an opportunity to build an audience in an authentic way. But it does require quite a bit of work and management if you want to see results.

These are the 6 phases of content marketing:


This week, we’ll go over the best content marketing tools to help you in your research phase.

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7 copywriting principles that will skyrocket conversion

7 copywriting principles that will skyrocket conversion

The marketing definition of conversion is “get the prospect to take action.”

How do you get someone to take the action you want? You need to make them comfortable.

Marketers are hard to trust, right? We brought it on ourselves because we were “full of it” for decades. Or, at least, we were full of ourselves.

So when a potential buyer arrives in your marketing den for the first time, they’re not exactly in a hurry to proceed to the bedroom. Or relax into a chair.

At best, they’re curious. Realistically, they’re anxious. And usually, they do just the opposite of what you want. They leave.

Why? Discomfort. It’s the almighty conversion killer—the meanest mutha’ in marketing.

So here’s what I propose: drop the transformation ambition and aim a wee-bit lower. Aim to overcome the causes of discomfort. You need to craft your content to put prospects in their comfort zone.

Who’s in charge of the comfort zone?

The copywriter is the chief conversion officer.

The copywriter’s output must seal the deal or at least write something compelling—and comforting—enough to start some sort of relationship.

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7 reasons why people aren’t reading your content (and what to do about it)

7 reasons why people aren't reading your content (and what to do about it)

Content marketing is often proclaimed to be one of the most valuable, effective marketing strategies available. But there’s a critical caveat to that description; people have to read your content for it to be valuable in any way. Of course, content comes in many forms—when I say “read” what I actually mean is “consume”. A person would need to read an article in the same way they would need to watch a video or listen to an interview—the point is, if a person isn’t engaging with your material, your material isn’t worth anything. So why people aren’t reading your content?

There are several potential reasons that could prevent someone from reading your material, and learning to prevent or mitigate those reasons can help you improve your readership (and therefore your entire content campaign). Pay special attention to these seven potential reasons, which I have found to be some of the most common and most devastating.

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