The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences


What is SEO in marketing?

What is SEO in marketing?

Marketing used to be a nagging-like and pushy affair. Companies foisted their text messages on random customers, hoping a small number of them would be interesting enough to make a product purchase.

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Investigating the 4 SEO Mistakes Copywriters Frequently Make

Copywriting and SEO can’t be viewed as two separate endeavors. They’re closely connected, and you can’t be successful in one area without emphasizing the other.

Unfortunately, a lot of copywriters either give SEO a half-hearted try, or they unknowingly make costly mistakes that limit their success. In this article, we’re going to focus on the most common blunders and how they can be remediated.

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How to Fight Off Negative SEO with Quality Content (and More)

For better or worse, content marketing and SEO are inextricably linked. If you’re going to operate in content marketing, you have to grasp its relationship to SEO and how the former affects the latter (and vice versa).

Although your primary focus should stay on building your brand through thoughtful content strategies that satisfy search engines and engage the ideal human audience, you’ll find a darker underbelly to the industry. If your brand becomes sufficiently successful, you may experience the ill-effects firsthand.

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5 Definitive Steps to Write Content That Ranks Above Competitor’s in Search

To grow your website, you basically need to focus on two things:
– You need to produce content that engages and excites your visitors.
– You need to drive enough traffic to your website.

Ideally, once those two things are in place, your ideal customers will discover your website, possibly bookmark it, link to it and further refer their friends and fans to your web pages.

That said, here’s the difficult (but achievable) part: For you to generate a lot of traffic, you need more than average content.

If your competitors are dominating the search engine results for your target keywords, then you have to create a more compelling content in order to outsmart them. There’s no shortcut!

There’s no arguing the fact that search engine is, and will always remain the best source of traffic any website can get.

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