The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

Lead Generation & Nurturing

On track to Content Marketing ROI? Take the 5′ test

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Bygone days. It used to be simpler. Marketers would create super-well designed brochures and pay to advertise their product/service in front of their audience. Wait. What just happened? Internet of course. Internet changed everything. 90% of…

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7 copywriting principles that will skyrocket conversion

7 copywriting principles that will skyrocket conversion

The marketing definition of conversion is “get the prospect to take action.”

How do you get someone to take the action you want? You need to make them comfortable.

Marketers are hard to trust, right? We brought it on ourselves because we were “full of it” for decades. Or, at least, we were full of ourselves.

So when a potential buyer arrives in your marketing den for the first time, they’re not exactly in a hurry to proceed to the bedroom. Or relax into a chair.

At best, they’re curious. Realistically, they’re anxious. And usually, they do just the opposite of what you want. They leave.

Why? Discomfort. It’s the almighty conversion killer—the meanest mutha’ in marketing.

So here’s what I propose: drop the transformation ambition and aim a wee-bit lower. Aim to overcome the causes of discomfort. You need to craft your content to put prospects in their comfort zone.

Who’s in charge of the comfort zone?

The copywriter is the chief conversion officer.

The copywriter’s output must seal the deal or at least write something compelling—and comforting—enough to start some sort of relationship.

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How to generate leads with content marketing

how to generate leads through content marketing cover image

If you didn’t know that content marketing is your best bet to generate leads today, then at least I would have warned you!

No but seriously, if I didn’t convince you, here are a few facts that will.

Why it is better to generate leads with content marketing

Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound marketing. (Source: State of Inbound 2014, Hubspot).

You have 758x more chances of closing an inbound lead (that came to you through your content) than an outbound lead (that you went to get with telemarketing, cold calling, etc.) (Source: Search Engine Journal).

What top marketing experts think about the topic

quote Joe Pullizi Jayson deMers how to generate leads through content marketing jpg

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7 ways for small businesses to generate leads with social media

7 ways for small businesses to generate leads with social media

Small business owners aren’t usually on social media to share cat videos and indulge in celebrity gossip. They’re on social media for business. They do social media to gain exposure, but ultimately the goal is to get more business. Getting more business usually means getting more leads.

Unfortunately, getting leads from social media is not so easy. If you’re doing well at it, pat yourself on the back. Most marketers struggle with getting social media to work well for lead generation.

7 ways for small businesses to generate leads with social media

That’s what Ascend2 discovered when they tallied up the results of a lead generation survey of 300 marketers last month. Only 26% of the marketers they surveyed marked social media as among their more effective lead generation tactics.

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How to nurture leads with content curation

How to Nurture Leads with Content Curation 2

Want more leads? You’re not alone. According to IDG Enterprise’s 2015 B2B Content Marketing Spotlight Report, lead generation is the #1 priority for content marketers.
But while everybody says they want more leads, in the very next breathe they’ll add that they want better leads, too. That’s why you’ll see lead nurturing come in as priority #4 on this same graph. Lead nurturing is basically lead generation 2.0. First you get the leads, then you warm them up.

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