The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

Email Marketing

How to Write Business Emails That Work Like Magic in 2023

How to Write Business Emails That Work Like Magic in 2023

Business emails have established a significant role in recent times. It is a way to effectively communicate with employees, colleagues, partners, sponsors, and business associates. People count on emails to run their business without any hindrance. As more than 25% of people work in a remote setup, business emails have become an integral part. People prefer this channel over video calls and texts. 

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An Ultimate guide for creating a curated email newsletter for your business

An Ultimate guide for creating a curated email newsletter for your business

Email remains the most effective channel to boost business profitability and enhance the brand reputation. It helps in increasing brand recall and staying ahead of your competitors. These facts do not imply that it works as a magic wand for your business. You need to have the right thought process and create emails with engaging content and attractive offers that stand out. 

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A Comprehensive Guide to Help You Make Your Emails Accessible in 2022

A Comprehensive Guide to Help You Make Your Emails Accessible in 2022

As email marketers, when you sit down to design an email campaign, what’s your ultimate goal? For it to reach as many people as possible, right? Well, there’s only one surefire way of ensuring that- practicing accessible email design. It doesn’t matter how riveting your copy is and how attractive your design, your emails will never fetch the returns you want them to unless they are accessible, to begin with. 

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Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Results

Email Marketing Tips That Will Boost Results

A well-crafted message can do wonders for your customer relationships, lead nurturing, brand awareness, and revenue generation. Whether you want to tell a story, sell products or services, connect with your audience, share some exciting news, or turn cart abandonment into a happier ending, email marketing is the perfect tool for your goals. 

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5 Effective Ways to Use Content Curation in Social Media and Email Marketing Strategies

5 Effective Ways to Use Content Curation in Social Media and Email Marketing Strategies

As a content marketer, you spend an exhausting amount of time on content curation and trying to figure out new topics for your social media pages and blogs. With more than three billion blogs being published on a daily basis, you somewhat have an idea of the kind of competition you’re dealing with. 

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