The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

5 Definitive Steps to Write Content That Ranks Above Competitor’s in Search

To grow your website, you basically need to focus on two things:
– You need to produce content that engages and excites your visitors.
– You need to drive enough traffic to your website.

Ideally, once those two things are in place, your ideal customers will discover your website, possibly bookmark it, link to it and further refer their friends and fans to your web pages.

That said, here’s the difficult (but achievable) part: For you to generate a lot of traffic, you need more than average content.

If your competitors are dominating the search engine results for your target keywords, then you have to create a more compelling content in order to outsmart them. There’s no shortcut!

There’s no arguing the fact that search engine is, and will always remain the best source of traffic any website can get.

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How to Develop an Internal Content Strategy That Engages Employees

how to develop an internal content strategy that engage employees

When you think about content, in terms of business, what sort of mediums and strategies come to mind? If you’re like most, your focus immediately shifts towards content marketing – things like blog posts, press releases, social media, and landing page optimization. But content isn’t always outwardly facing.

There’s a time and place for having an internal content strategy and your company shouldn’t ignore the role it could play in pushing your business forward

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How to Use Customer Testimonials to Grow Your Business

How to use customer testimonials to grow your business

When it comes to getting the word out about your business, nothing beats word of mouth. Customers want to buy products and services from people they trust, and having a friend recommend your business is the next best thing to knowing you personally. One way to capture the spirit of word-of-mouth advertising is to present customer testimonials on your website, social media, and print materials, showcasing reviews from people who enthusiastically recommend you.

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Paid Content Distribution: How to Win With Your Perfect Audience

As content marketers, we place an astonishing amount of focus on content production. We look for ways to streamline these processes and create more with less without taking the time to reflect on the impact our content is making.

Production also seems to be the leading marketer’s challenge. However, it’s the content promotion that has the final word in deciding whether a piece of content was successful.

With the decline of organic reach, paid content distribution comes as a powerful tool of every savvy marketer. Let’s look into why organic promotion is a challenge, and the five steps to overcoming it.

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How to Write for a Segmented Audience

How to Write for a Segmented Audience

Writing for a single target audience is a challenge for most writers. You have to get in tune with your audience’s perspectives, histories, values, wants, and needs, then choose a topic that suits them and adopt a tone they can relate to. Even if you’re used to writing for a particular niche, it’s still exhausting work.

So what happens when you want to target two different audience segments?

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Four Email Newsletter Design Tips to Help You Achieve Your Marketing Objectives


Email marketing has never been optional for any internet marketer. Sure, some have successfully avoided it and undergone shortcuts like buying email lists and what not’s, but in the wake of the EU’S GDPR law, that will have terrible consequences.

For marketers trying to get it right, sometimes designing emails might seem daunting, especially when you’re not a designer. Thankfully, many email clients have templates to minimize your design woes. Still, because some can boast of over 500 templates, it gets complicated all over again.

Don’t worry. In this post you’ll find four tips to stop you from worrying about your email newsletter design ever again.

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How to Hit the Perfect Readability Score of Your Niche Audience

how to hit the perfect readability score of your niche audience

Content Readability refers to the ability of your content to attract the target audience with its simplicity, clarity, relatability, and natural flow, from start to finish.

The B2B marketers confront numerous challenges to drive their content marketing campaign. However, nothing tests them quite like creating engaging content.

In fact, 60% of the content marketers surveyed during the 2016 B2B Content Marketing Trends put “Producing engaging content” as their #1 challenge.

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How Empathetic Storytelling Is the Key to Good Content Marketing

how empathetic storytelling is the key to good content marketing

Bad news, content marketers: traditional storytelling has gone mainstream. Once a coveted tool among content marketers, storytelling has prompted professionals of all backgrounds to inform and inspire their audiences with strategically relatable content.

In a market where 92% of consumers prefer stories in messaging, marketing teams will need more than facts and figures to tell a good story. They’ll need empathetic storytelling. Good empathetic storytelling simply makes us feel better—usually by generating a chemical response in our brains that heightens our focus and helps us build connections with others.

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How to propel your content marketing without actually writing texts

Content marketing is all the rage. The amount of content published online every second is insane. The craze around it is not anywhere near dying down. As the competition for user eyeballs is getting more and more intense, marketers are striving to find new strategies that actually work. Obviously, excellent articles require excellent writers. Just some kind of yeah-whatever-writing level is no longer enough.

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