The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences


How to format posts to get readers engaged

How to format posts to get readers engaged

Writing well-researched content containing over 1,200+ words is often a requirement to gain a higher position in Google search results. When trying to score more points with SEO, web writers often forget that it’s not a search engine that reads posts, but a human being. 

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How to Create a Popular Blog From Scratch

How to Create a Popular Blog From Scratch

To an outsider, blogging seems like the perfect way to make money. You get to write content about whatever you’re passionate about and monetize that content, generating revenue with no upper limit as you continue learning about a topic that fascinates you.

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Types of Content Each Member of Your Sales Team Should Be Curating

Types of Content Each Member of Your Sales Team Should Be Curating

Two-thirds of B2B buyers respond to salespeople who reach out to them with relevant insights and opportunities.

So how do you find those insights and opportunities? Some will come from your own content assets, and others will come from relevant third-party sources. For salespeople, content curation is all about using those various assets to reach and engage prospects.

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4 Content Creation and Curation Tips for E-Learning Course Creators

4 Content Creation and Curation Tips for E-Learning Course Creators

As the e-learning industry grows, students are becoming more discerning, and expectations are higher than they’ve ever been. This has created a need for higher quality content that reaches, engages, and educates students in highly effective ways – putting pressure on content creators to up their game.

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7 of the Costliest Blogging Mistakes Businesses Frequently Make

It doesn’t take much to start a blog. All you need is some basic internet know-how and you can use a drag-and-drop CMS system to design a sleek blog and begin publishing content. Unfortunately, these low barriers to entry enable businesses to start blogs without much of an investment in learning the ins and outs of how content marketing is supposed to fit into their larger digital strategies. At best, this wastes time and creative energy. At worst, it negatively impacts brand image and erodes trust with customers.

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How to Make Complex Topics Simpler in Writing

As a content marketer, sooner or later, you’ll be tasked with writing an article on a complex topic. Maybe your industry is naturally complicated and difficult for newcomers to understand, or maybe a new piece of legislation will affect your industry, and your job will be dissecting it and presenting it to your audience.

This problem can kick in a number of different circumstances; abstract ideas, high-level terminology, and nuanced topics can all be challenging to parse and present to a lay audience. Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help.

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