The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

Content Curation

7 Proven Benefits of Using Social Media for New Content Creation

Content curation is the engine behind every successful brand. Regardless of your specialization, your projects and ideas can grow in size and complexity thanks to a constant influx of content.

For getting new content, social media is the undisputed best source. Unlimited time and space for conversation create content that is later a viable part in a campaign.

Almost every big brand gets at least a part of their content from social media. Therefore, we can say it’s surely effective in both content curation and content marketing.

In this article, we’ve decided to dive into the details of social media as a platform for new content creation.

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Content Hubs: Your Ultimate Quick-Start Guide

If you’re like most content marketers, you’re dealing with consistent pressures and demands of the industry. If you fail to keep up, you can’t see results. Because…

An estimated 50% of all content is going completely unused. Evergreen, high-quality content has never been more paramount to the content strategy success, and you can’t afford any time to waste on content that won’t bring you ROI.

Ranking in search to get in front of your target audience takes time. Only 22% of pages that rank in the top 10 results were created in the last year.

The need to have an omni-channel strategy is at its peak. Even though it requires more time and planning than single-channel content, businesses who adopt it achieve 91% greater year-over-year customer retention rates.

Remember: people aren’t searching for content. No one wakes up and wants to watch a webinar or read a whitepaper. Instead, they are searching for solutions and answers. If you’re the one providing answers, you can win them over and turn them into loyal, returning readers and visitors.

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Content Curation: What it Really Takes to Skyrocket Your Brand’s Credibility

It’s often a challenge to dive into content marketing head first.

It costs you money and time. You can’t see results quickly. And on top of that, if you’re going in the wrong direction, it might take you months until you realize it.

To make content marketing work for the organization—meaning, to make it sell and bring positive return on investment—companies fall into the trap of only talking about themselves.

While this works later on in the funnel when potential customers are ready to buy, there is a key element that needs to happen beforehand: their trust in your capability to solve the challenge they’re facing. In other words, they have to rely on you first.

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How to Use Content Curation to Improve Your Social Media Efficiency While Getting Results

Want to grow your brand, increase fans, and start selling more?

Then you need to follow the marketing trends that guide the way people do business online.

And today’s biggest market trend? Social media.

There’s only one problem: social media management takes time. What was once relegated to a lowly intern is now a multi-million dollar business, with huge agencies doing nothing more than managing social media accounts.

That’s great for them. But what about for the everyday business owner? How can he or she grow a brand—for yourself or your business—on social media without spending countless hours or dollars?

Glad you asked.

Because today’s technology has a simple answer: content curation. Today, you’ll learn how to use content curation to speed up your social media strategy while reaping all the same results.

Let’s jump in!

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Content Curation and WordPress: The Perfect Fit

The demand for companies to create quality content is at an all-time high—and it’s no surprise.

The alternatives simply don’t work. If you’re creating mediocre or inconsistent content, you can’t stand out, and if you’re not creating content at all, there’s no way for your target audience to find you.

In fact, content is so highly prioritized that content writing and editing skills are among those with the highest demand in the jobs market.

Blogging has been the backbone of growth for companies across industries, and it’s thanks to the fact that:

Websites with a blog tend to have 434% more indexed pages
Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website
Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate online information
On top of that, blogging sparks word-of-mouth promotion because 94% of people who share posts do so because they think it might be helpful to other. In other words, bringing value to your audience means they will want to pass that value onto someone else.

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Content curation: the complete guide to leverage third-party content

Curated content. The term has been used to cover many different things. Most marketers are familiar with the practice of sharing other people’s content on social networks, what we’ll refer to as social curated content. Curated content actually covers much more than just social sharing, and can help your content marketing results in ways you don’t imagine.

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Content Curation Strategy: A Comprehensive Hands-On Guide

When businesses decide to give content curation a shot, they usually take one of the two paths: they jump in head-first with no strategy at all, or they overthink they strategy and rarely do anything.

You can see the first scenario quite often, and it’s no surprise.

Content curation feels like a simple thing to do—you find the content you like, you share it along with your thoughts on it, and you move on. Your content calendar is full and your boss is happy. But this approach means you’re investing your time into something you can’t quite measure the results of.

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The 3 content marketing problems that automation solves better than humans

By Grzegorz Błażewicz, CEO & Founder of SALESmanago Marketing Automation Content marketing is not only about creation and engagement, but also about understanding your audience, distribution of the materials and measuring their performance: the 3 most overlooked and underestimated parts of the process. Neglecting these can truly undermine your efforts! To avoid such situation, combine content marketing […]

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