The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

Content Curation

4 Content Creation and Curation Tips for E-Learning Course Creators

4 Content Creation and Curation Tips for E-Learning Course Creators

As the e-learning industry grows, students are becoming more discerning, and expectations are higher than they’ve ever been. This has created a need for higher quality content that reaches, engages, and educates students in highly effective ways – putting pressure on content creators to up their game.

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How the Right Content Curation Strategy Can Help Your Startup Grow

How the Right Content Curation Strategy Can Help Your Startup Grow

Startups are always seeking any advantage they can find. And sometimes this requires creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. On the marketing front, many find that a content curation strategy is helpful in scaling up without requiring a ton of additional resources. Could it help your business, too? Read on to learn more.

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How to Find the Perfect Balance Between Content Creation and Curation for Lead Capture

How to Find the Perfect Balance Between Content Creation and Curation for Lead Capture

Content marketing is a challenging discipline. Content that’s engaging, entertaining, useful and informative grabs eyeballs, builds connections with potential customers, and establishes your brand as one that’s worth following. But doing this well is easier said than done.

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How To Use Content Curation To Build a Loyal Audience

How to Use Content Curation to Build a Loyal Audience

Creating original content is hard work, not to mention time-consuming and often expensive. To boost your voice and keep the convo flowing, you need to share, share, share. But not without a plan or goal. This is where content curation comes in. As the Oxford Dictionary states, curation is “the selection, organization, and presentation of online content, merchandise, information, etc., typically using professional or expert knowledge.”

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How to Legally and Ethically Curate Content

How to Legally and Ethically Curate Content

If you’ve spent any time on this blog, you know that content curation is the main focal point – and for good reason. Curating content removes much of the heavy lifting that needs to be done in order to produce original content, while still engaging your audience and populating your social and content channels with valuable messaging that educates and nurtures.

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How to Build an Impactful Newsletter For Your Executives and Decision Makers

Think about this paradox:

C-level executives play an important role in their company. They have an overview of the big picture that benefits everyone in the company, and they always consider the best decisions they can make.

At the same time, they are extremely busy and difficult to reach. Their schedules are packed and their attention is needed in dozens of interactions daily. First Round Review reported that 70% of a typical CEO’s schedule is sub-optimal—usually spent in meetings and emails.

If you’re in charge of your company’s marketing and/or communication, it means your messages may not be reaching your executives. They’re the essential decision makers, so the delay on their end makes you miss your deadlines.

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Content Curation For Education: Benefits, Tips, and Use Cases You Need For Success

We’ve witnessed a massive shift in the way teaching and learning takes place in the last decade.

Knowledge and information used to be a limited, protected resource. For teachers and students alike, textbooks and libraries have been the only source of learning and development. In other words, options for finding new content to research, analyze, and learn from has conventionally been limited.

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How can you edit and organize your content with

You already know that content curation can empower not just your content marketing, but all of your marketing efforts across the board.

Some of the biggest challenges that come with content curation include questions like:

How can I find the right content to curate?
What should be my content curation strategy?
Can I curate content without spending too much of my time?

We’ve put together a guide on discovering and curating content with—make sure to check it out if you already haven’t.

Now that you have the right tools to find and curate content, your next challenge may be this one: how can I edit and organize my content to make it easy to find, read, and share?

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How to boost your thought leadership with content 1/2

Content marketing helps you reach more people through relevant channels and answer their questions, which ultimately builds trust.

Does that mean that content marketing and thought leadership are interchangeable concepts?

Thought leadership allows you to develop and share an authoritative voice that helps others make the right decisions. In other words—it helps you develop trust from an audience.

Not quite. However, they feed into each other. Smart marketers and business owners infuse thought leadership into content marketing to carve out a unique, memorable position in the market for their company.

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Solving the Biggest Struggle of Your Employee Advocacy Program

Meta: Simplifying your content curation streamlines your employee advocacy program and takes the heavy-lift off your social media team, too.

One of the hardest parts of executing a successful social media strategy and employee advocacy program is content curation.  

It’s incredibly important to share quality third-party content to your followers in order to keep them interested in you, grow your followership, and remain a valuable source of information. Anyone could share content about themselves, but finding quality content that’s relevant to your target audience on a frequent and consistent basis can be extremely challenging.

“For me, this was the biggest challenge to running [an employee advocacy program],” said Kristen O’Neill, Corporate Social Media Manager for TransUnion in a webinar. “[It requires] constantly populating a platform with fresh content that’s going to be relevant to our many users.”

An employee advocacy program is a huge advantage to your social media strategy. People trust messages coming from your employees more than they trust messages coming from your brand. In fact, according to the MSLGroup, messages shared by employees are reshared 24x more frequently than those same messages coming from a brand account.

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[New eBook] The Ultimate Guide to Engage Your Audience With Curated Newsletters

A company’s content is how that company exists online.

Of course, it’s not the only way it exists: there are customer reviews, partnerships, word of mouth on social media, and many other corners of the internet that enable people to find you even if you’re not the one posting there.

But your content—your website, blog, emails, social media—is how you get to control and monitor that presence.

Content is the vehicle for your key messages. Yes, content marketing generates three times as many leads as channels like paid search (and costs less), but that’s not where its power ends.

As Content Marketing Institute stated, the content marketer of the future is the leader of their company’s communication strategy. They aren’t just focused on SEO, or sales enablement, or churning out content on demand.

in this eBook discover how to engage your audiences (internal, external etc) by using curated newsletters!

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Content Curation for Ecommerce Sites: Four Hacks You Should Know

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’re no stranger to content curation. It’s the core of the content here and you’ve probably already discovered content curation mistakes you should avoid, how to make your content curation a success, and other helpful tips for businesses.

For e-commerce store owners, they already have a lot on their plates. There’s marketing, e-commerce SEO, inventory, audits, and many other aspects of running their business. Fortunately, content curation doesn’t have to be as demanding as other facets of running your store, but more on that later.

If you’re practicing content curation already following the tips found here, kudos to you. You may even have found some applications for e-commerce sites too! But for others who feel it applies only to tech companies, let’s change that, shall we?

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Employee advocacy & content curation: how you can boost engagement

When you’re looking for advice, do you ask your friends, family, and peers, or do you rely on, say… Facebook ads?

Our relationships are powerful: they come with a built-in level of trust that no generic company message can replace. This is why employee advocacy is among the strongest assets a company can use.

At its core, employee advocacy is the promotion of a company by its employees. It primarily takes place online, with social media as the leading group of channels.

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How to Think About Your Curated Content: Key Dimensions to Consider

Curated content is the best way to keep your social channels and newsletters stocked with some of the best-written and most engaging articles on the internet. You can use it to research and fuel your own content creation efforts, while simultaneously keeping your audience up-to-date and informed on topics related to your industry, as covered by others.

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How to schedule and organize your curated content with publication calendar

Content curation has been a powerful tool in a smart marketer’s toolkit for years at this point.

The benefits of content curation are endless. Curated content takes less time to generate and publish. It builds trust and authority. It engages your audience. It connects you with influencers and big names in your industry.

And, best of all, content curation brings you tangible results: qualified traffic, new leads, targeted engagement, and even more sales down the road.

We’ve always been proponents of strategic content curation. With strategy in mind, you can set and accomplish huge goals as a business, such as establishing partnerships, breaking into new markets, hitting revenue milestones, and more.

By focusing on the right topics at the right time, you can provide real value to your ideal audience.

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7 Content Curation Secrets from Social Media Influencers

Though being an influencer looks easy and glamorous from the outside, those of us on the inside know it is anything but. Building an audience and putting out great content that people respond to takes a lot of hard work, experimentation, and trial and error. Coming up with original content on a daily basis is no small task. Yet no matter what industry you’re in or who your audience is, you’ll need to pump out high-quality content regularly if you want to see your fan base grow.

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How to Use Content Curation to Improve Sales Enablement

When marketing and sales work together in close alignment, they can help companies close 38% more deals.

Sales enablement connects marketing and sales by the key roles each plays in educating prospects, closing deals and contributing to growth.

Marketing teams provide sales organizations with tools and curated information. This includes blog posts, external content, best practices and tools.

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How to Repurpose Content in Content Marketing to Get More Engagement

These days, it seems like you can find anything on the Internet. It’s true and there’s even a statistic that around 30% of all content on the web is duplicate.

Content repurposing is not something new to marketers, but they constantly look for different ways how to introduce existing content from a fresh perspective.

Why Repurpose Content?

Content is the modern currency. The more value it brings, the more you can benefit from it. Repurposing content can help your business grow without having to rack your brains over creating fresh content every day.

If you own your business for several years, you may have tons of content already that you can re-purpose, expand or turn it into a new form of content, thus attracting new audiences.

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7 Proven Benefits of Using Social Media for New Content Creation

Content curation is the engine behind every successful brand. Regardless of your specialization, your projects and ideas can grow in size and complexity thanks to a constant influx of content.

For getting new content, social media is the undisputed best source. Unlimited time and space for conversation create content that is later a viable part in a campaign.

Almost every big brand gets at least a part of their content from social media. Therefore, we can say it’s surely effective in both content curation and content marketing.

In this article, we’ve decided to dive into the details of social media as a platform for new content creation.

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Content Hubs: Your Ultimate Quick-Start Guide

If you’re like most content marketers, you’re dealing with consistent pressures and demands of the industry. If you fail to keep up, you can’t see results. Because…

An estimated 50% of all content is going completely unused. Evergreen, high-quality content has never been more paramount to the content strategy success, and you can’t afford any time to waste on content that won’t bring you ROI.

Ranking in search to get in front of your target audience takes time. Only 22% of pages that rank in the top 10 results were created in the last year.

The need to have an omni-channel strategy is at its peak. Even though it requires more time and planning than single-channel content, businesses who adopt it achieve 91% greater year-over-year customer retention rates.

Remember: people aren’t searching for content. No one wakes up and wants to watch a webinar or read a whitepaper. Instead, they are searching for solutions and answers. If you’re the one providing answers, you can win them over and turn them into loyal, returning readers and visitors.

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