The Content Curation Blog

How content curation can help you to engage your audiences

Best Practices

How the Right Content Curation Strategy Can Help Your Startup Grow

How the Right Content Curation Strategy Can Help Your Startup Grow

Startups are always seeking any advantage they can find. And sometimes this requires creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. On the marketing front, many find that a content curation strategy is helpful in scaling up without requiring a ton of additional resources. Could it help your business, too? Read on to learn more.

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Your “virtual” pocket guide to Email Accessibility

Your "virtual" pocket guide to Email Accessibility

Email accessibility, in simple words, refers to creating emails with inclusive designs that can be accessed by everyone, regardless of any impairment. If you want to make sure that your email reaches each and every customer, you must make your emails ‘accessible’. Think of the 253 million visually impaired and 300 million colorblind people before you design any email. They might be using adaptive technologies or tools like screen readers, screen magnifiers, eye tracking systems, and advanced sip n puff devices.

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5 Visual Ideas to Draw Extra Attention to Your Curated Article Shares

5 Visual Ideas to Draw Extra Attention to Your Curated Article Shares

Finding great content published by others to share with your audience might involve less work than actually writing and publishing a steady flow of fresh, original articles, but that doesn’t mean content curation is a mindless activity. At least when it’s done well, it requires a good amount of attention and effort.

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How to Find the Perfect Balance Between Content Creation and Curation for Lead Capture

How to Find the Perfect Balance Between Content Creation and Curation for Lead Capture

Content marketing is a challenging discipline. Content that’s engaging, entertaining, useful and informative grabs eyeballs, builds connections with potential customers, and establishes your brand as one that’s worth following. But doing this well is easier said than done.

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How to Improve Collaboration Between Marketers and Content Creators

By some estimates, as much as 90% of the marketing content that’s created never gets used.

There are plenty of reasons behind this shortcoming. Salespeople are busy. They may not have the time to sort through an endless marketing library when they have an engaged prospect on the line. Marketers contribute to content irrelevancy as well. When campaign priorities change quickly, whole collections of assets may no longer be useful if they don’t support the organization’s new goals.

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How to boost your thought leadership with content 1/2

Content marketing helps you reach more people through relevant channels and answer their questions, which ultimately builds trust.

Does that mean that content marketing and thought leadership are interchangeable concepts?

Thought leadership allows you to develop and share an authoritative voice that helps others make the right decisions. In other words—it helps you develop trust from an audience.

Not quite. However, they feed into each other. Smart marketers and business owners infuse thought leadership into content marketing to carve out a unique, memorable position in the market for their company.

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How Successful Content Writers Fight Distraction and Find Success

Is there anything better than being a freelance content writer? You get the opportunity to express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions on a variety of topics, all while enjoying the flexibility to work remotely and carve out your own hours. It’s a rewarding career path with plenty of growth potential and exciting opportunities. But if there’s one thing that will prevent you from being successful, it’s distractions.

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Content Hubs: Your Ultimate Quick-Start Guide

If you’re like most content marketers, you’re dealing with consistent pressures and demands of the industry. If you fail to keep up, you can’t see results. Because…

An estimated 50% of all content is going completely unused. Evergreen, high-quality content has never been more paramount to the content strategy success, and you can’t afford any time to waste on content that won’t bring you ROI.

Ranking in search to get in front of your target audience takes time. Only 22% of pages that rank in the top 10 results were created in the last year.

The need to have an omni-channel strategy is at its peak. Even though it requires more time and planning than single-channel content, businesses who adopt it achieve 91% greater year-over-year customer retention rates.

Remember: people aren’t searching for content. No one wakes up and wants to watch a webinar or read a whitepaper. Instead, they are searching for solutions and answers. If you’re the one providing answers, you can win them over and turn them into loyal, returning readers and visitors.

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Content Curation: What it Really Takes to Skyrocket Your Brand’s Credibility

It’s often a challenge to dive into content marketing head first.

It costs you money and time. You can’t see results quickly. And on top of that, if you’re going in the wrong direction, it might take you months until you realize it.

To make content marketing work for the organization—meaning, to make it sell and bring positive return on investment—companies fall into the trap of only talking about themselves.

While this works later on in the funnel when potential customers are ready to buy, there is a key element that needs to happen beforehand: their trust in your capability to solve the challenge they’re facing. In other words, they have to rely on you first.

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Content Curation and WordPress: The Perfect Fit

The demand for companies to create quality content is at an all-time high—and it’s no surprise.

The alternatives simply don’t work. If you’re creating mediocre or inconsistent content, you can’t stand out, and if you’re not creating content at all, there’s no way for your target audience to find you.

In fact, content is so highly prioritized that content writing and editing skills are among those with the highest demand in the jobs market.

Blogging has been the backbone of growth for companies across industries, and it’s thanks to the fact that:

Websites with a blog tend to have 434% more indexed pages
Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website
Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate online information
On top of that, blogging sparks word-of-mouth promotion because 94% of people who share posts do so because they think it might be helpful to other. In other words, bringing value to your audience means they will want to pass that value onto someone else.

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5 Definitive Steps to Write Content That Ranks Above Competitor’s in Search

To grow your website, you basically need to focus on two things:
– You need to produce content that engages and excites your visitors.
– You need to drive enough traffic to your website.

Ideally, once those two things are in place, your ideal customers will discover your website, possibly bookmark it, link to it and further refer their friends and fans to your web pages.

That said, here’s the difficult (but achievable) part: For you to generate a lot of traffic, you need more than average content.

If your competitors are dominating the search engine results for your target keywords, then you have to create a more compelling content in order to outsmart them. There’s no shortcut!

There’s no arguing the fact that search engine is, and will always remain the best source of traffic any website can get.

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How to Use Customer Testimonials to Grow Your Business

How to use customer testimonials to grow your business

When it comes to getting the word out about your business, nothing beats word of mouth. Customers want to buy products and services from people they trust, and having a friend recommend your business is the next best thing to knowing you personally. One way to capture the spirit of word-of-mouth advertising is to present customer testimonials on your website, social media, and print materials, showcasing reviews from people who enthusiastically recommend you.

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Paid Content Distribution: How to Win With Your Perfect Audience

As content marketers, we place an astonishing amount of focus on content production. We look for ways to streamline these processes and create more with less without taking the time to reflect on the impact our content is making.

Production also seems to be the leading marketer’s challenge. However, it’s the content promotion that has the final word in deciding whether a piece of content was successful.

With the decline of organic reach, paid content distribution comes as a powerful tool of every savvy marketer. Let’s look into why organic promotion is a challenge, and the five steps to overcoming it.

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Content Curation Strategy: A Comprehensive Hands-On Guide

When businesses decide to give content curation a shot, they usually take one of the two paths: they jump in head-first with no strategy at all, or they overthink they strategy and rarely do anything.

You can see the first scenario quite often, and it’s no surprise.

Content curation feels like a simple thing to do—you find the content you like, you share it along with your thoughts on it, and you move on. Your content calendar is full and your boss is happy. But this approach means you’re investing your time into something you can’t quite measure the results of.

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